Friday, December 2, 2016

Easy Peasy Pork Chops

I bought some pork chops on sale to have on hand for whenever I could use them. Well, tonight I had a few minutes to get something ready before running off to basketball practice. After doing a very quick scan online, I landed on BBQ Pork chops. This is what I did: BBQ sauce to cover bottom of pot, layer of pork chops and repeat making sure the top meat layer is covered in sauce. Plug in, lid on, valve sealed, "Manual" at 30 minutes; ran off with the kids, got extremely exhausted and famished playing basketball for 1 1/2 hours- well, I didn't play that whole time, but my kids did- drove home to have perfectly done pork chops staying warm and waiting for us. Hubby was happy, kids were happy, I was happy. Another reason I'm SO thankful for my InstantPot (and pork chops on sale and a whole bottle of BBQ sauce in the fridge and easy recipes like this AND times together with family, whether we're playing ball together or sitting around the table together!)

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